Vision & Mission



To be recognised  as one of the best educational institutions in the world for hotel management, tourism and hospitality management that nurtures talent and transforms lives of students through excellence in teaching, innovation,  student engagement and placement opportunities.

Our vision is to inspire and empower the next generation of talented chef’s and hotel management executives equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and mindset to shape the future of the industry. Through excellence in teaching, we envision a future for our students by engaging them in innovation, research, use of technology and artistic expression that can revolutionize the fashion landscape. 


Our mission at Charans International Institute of Hotel Management is to cultivate a new generation of hospitality leaders by providing exceptional education, fostering a culture of innovation, and instilling a commitment to excellence in service and professionalism. We strive to equip our students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to succeed in the dynamic and diverse hospitality industry.

At CIIHM, we are dedicated to providing a comprehensive and hands-on learning experience that prepares students for successful careers in hotel management, tourism, and related fields. Our curriculum emphasizes practical skills development, industry-relevant knowledge, and experiential learning opportunities to ensure that our graduates are well-prepared to meet the evolving needs of the global hospitality market. Through personalized mentorship, industry partnerships, and immersive learning experiences, we empower our students to achieve their full potential and become leaders who inspire positive change in the hospitality industry and beyond.

Together, we aim to shape the future of hospitality education and create a community of lifelong learners who are committed to making a difference in the world one guest, one experience, and one moment at a time.


Restaurant and Food Service Manager


To be a distinguished provider of the highest quality of education providing the best facilities, guidance and support at each and every step.

To bring about the holistic development of a student inculcating the eagerness to learn to think and contribute to the advancement of mankind.

To be an excellent educational institution imparting knowledge with thrust on developing human values and ability to cope with the growing demands of the globalization theme.

To create an environment that is open and welcoming, and one in which all individuals feel happy, safe and secure.

To consistently innovate and incorporate novel methods of teaching, giving students practical exposure where possible, to face real world situations confidently.

To safeguard and promote health, safety and welfare of all who study and work at the college and to support equality and diversity in all that we do.